BondoFox Advanced

The Orb

Chapter Two

Written by Nyghtwulf

Copyright © 2007 by Nyghtwulf, all rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution of this work by any means without the expressed written permission of the author, or hotlinking from another website without the expressed written permission of the author and BondoFox, is expressly forbidden. Similarity to any person, living or dead, is coincidental.

This story is a continuation of The Orb by Captain Saicin.

*Brriingg!!* ... *Brriingg!!*

"Hey! Sorry, but I can't come to the phone right now. Just moved in and there's lots to do! Leave your name and number and I'll try and get back to you. Thanks!"

"Heeelllo? Ohhh kitty-kitty! I know you're there. Just got back from my parents and wanted to come see you. Love, are you there? Hello hello? I got some..."

The answering machine clicked and cut off the call as it reached its maximum message length. The husky humphed under her breath and hit the end call button on her cellphone. "Where is she..." She idly spoke to herself before flipping closed the phone and tucking it away in the front pocket of her jean shorts. She took a quick glance up at the clock and smiled, giving a little wiggle of that curled tail of hers. It wasn't too late just yet; she had plenty of time to go over to her friend's place to see if she was home.

With a quick shake to straighten her fur a little, she snagged up a short-sleeved flannel jacket and pulled it on over her white spaghetti-strap shirt. Digging in her purse she fetched out her keys and headed out after a quick checkup in a mirror to make sure was at least halfway decent looking.

The drive across town was pleasant and short; the streets not too busy and being as late as it was, the road crews had stopped working and most of the office people were already home. Upon pulling into the drive of her friends place, she glanced out over the house and yard. There was no lights, not even an outdoor one or the glow of a T.V. on inside. The front lawn seemed overgrown, the grass looking as if it hadn't been tended to in weeks. At least three weeks, she figured, as she had helped her friend with some yard work the night before leaving on her trip. The old style gasoline push-mower was still right where she left it even, set against the front porch with a blue tarp tucked over the engine. She spotted the 'House for Sale' sign with its big red and white 'Sold' sticker still plastered over it; odd that it was still there considering her friend said she'd take it down the next morning.

The semi-petite husky stepped up out of her car and peered around. Something didn't seem right. Why had her companion let the place go to mess? She knew well how much her close friend enjoyed being out in the sun; whether it was for work or just being lazy in the afternoon rays. Taping the 'lock' key on her key fob, the locks of her car made a near silent click as they closed and the interior dome light dimmed out. She made her way to the porch and swung open the screen door. Thumbing the doorbell a few times and perking her ears, easily hearing the bell ring within the house but no sound of movement came, not even a call out of someone who was coming to the door to greet her. She tried the knocker then, giving it a few hard raps then set back and waited a few moments. Still nothing. Stepping away form the door and letting it swing closed, she leaned over and tried to peer in through the front window, just to the left of the door. The blinds were drawn partially closed and the window was left cracked open a tad making it a little difficult to see inside.

"Hello?" she called out into the room, no response came. "Well what the hell?" she spoke again, questioning no one other then the odd situation before her.

Once again, she opened the screen door and tried opening the door. The knob refused to turn, locked from the inside. With a huff, she wiggled the spherical handle, trying to maybe jar the lock open but nothing happened. She then tried pushing herself against the door but her light build wasn't enough to budge the solid construct. She huffed in failure then left the door and walked down off the porch, heading around back of the house.

The car drew her attention as she walked by, stopped for a moment to gaze at the vehicle. It was covered with light dust and leaves were piled up along the windshield and wipers. A few twigs and splotches of bird droppings also decorated the vehicle. It too, just like the front yard, looking like it hadn't been touched in some time. What is going on here? She thought to herself, quickly heading towards the back gate.

After opening the gate and closing it behind her, she made her way to the back deck. As with the front, the backyard was overgrown. She could make out the thick grass by the bright light of the moon. A soft breeze picked up, causing the grass to sway and ripple a little. She smiled to herself; despite its unkempt look, it did look like it would be fun to just lay in on a warm afternoon with her companion.

The back deck seemed a bit of a mess; cardboard boxes piled about filled with old junk. She remembered having carried a few of them up from the mid-basement herself. Whoever had owned the place last was decidedly a pack rat. She picked through the boxes, confirming her thoughts on them that they were indeed the boxes that had been left there three weeks earlier by identifying some things she had sorted out.

Turning back to the task at hand, she peered in through the window into the kitchen area. The stove light was on, and a soft green glow from the stoves own LCD display, showing the time. After glancing around a bit, the husky moved over to the door and tried the knob. It turned and clicked softly, giving a little push, she opened the door and was let into the dark house. She pawed at the sidewall to find a light switch and upon turning it on the bulb flashed bright and made a soft pop. The husky literally jumped through the roof, letting out a little bark of surprise at the bulb burning out on its turning on. "Geeze girl... calm down.." she spoke to herself heart pounding in her chest and feeling a little quiver all through her body. Something wasn't right here, and strange thoughts made her nervous. Had someone broken in? Maybe did something to her friend? Perhaps a burglar or stalker... She shook her head and cleared those thoughts from her mind.

"No… she's asleep. Yeah... just didn't hear me come in..." the husky spoke to herself once more, though honestly, still a little jumpy over the light blowing out. The sun was setting quick, making the house and its rooms darker by the minute; simple thoughts becoming more exaggerated in her mind by the diminishing light. Lingering around in the door for a bit, the husky just listened carefully to the house, wanting to be extra sure no one was still there aside from her friend. After making sure it was all clear, she closed the door behind her and moved off to the kitchen.

She found another light switch and flicked it on, blinking a tad till her crystal blue eyes adjusted. There were still plates in the sink from the meal she had made for them; dried up strings of noodle still stuck to the plates. Her nose quite suddenly picked up on the most awful scent she had smelled. She groaned lightly and took a few more sniffs before turning to the wastebasket then grumbling under her breath. A few flies buzzed around the lid of the can. Waving them away with a paw, she then opened and quickly tied closed the plastic bag within.

"Urgh... hon. What happened to doing the chores?" she spoke once again to no one but herself. Just then her ears picked up on something she hadn't noticed before. Perking up the black furred triangles, she wiggled them around to try and find the source of the odd near-static like sound. The husky then preceded out of the kitchen and down the hall some to the basement steps; the sound getting steadily louder as she approached the closed door. She opened the door and peeked down, finding the lights in the lower level still on, she slowly made her way down the narrow steps. About halfway down she was finally able to recognize the sound of running water and easily spotted the sink on the wall nearby turned on. Moving over she licked her lips then reached around to hold her hair as she dipped down to take a few laps at the running water; the fluid ice cold and well sating a thirst that had grown.

After turning off the faucet she took a look around the mid-basement. There was still piles of boxes left scattered about, quite a few more knocked over with their contents spilled out on the floor. There was even a stack that looked like someone had fallen over into them, crushing the boxes under their body. She took a few tentative sniffs at the air, noting how humid and warm it was; she even finding herself too hot. Quickly, she slipped off the flannel jacket and hung it over an empty box. Moving about she took a few more sniffs; just barely able to smell her friend's scents in the area, some other strangely familiar, yet unidentifiable scents mixed in and a few other ones such as old paint and most likely some mold.

Convinced her friend wasn't there she turned to the steps to go down to the sub-basement. She stopped, though, at the top, looking down and finding it pitch black. The lights must have gone out. She thought while glancing around. Luckily, there was a flashlight lying out on the floor which she quickly grabbed up and messed with the switch. The light came on after a little flicking; it wasn't excessively bright but it would do. The stairs creaked as she crept down them slowly, this set much narrower than the first. Once down she slowly scanned the light about. More boxes, just as with the level above her. There was plenty more scattered about here; objects of unknown origin spilled out just about everywhere on the floor. It almost looked like someone had just come down and purposely knocked them all over the place. As she moved the light around, something caught her eye. A shine you'd only see from something polished and clean. This seemed out of place in the mess of dusty, dirty materials, so she crept her way through the mess to the object.

The husky dug the object out from its half-buried location and headtilted at it. It was a cube, no more then a few inches in each direction. Perfectly clear and with an odd luster about it that you'd only find in some of the very high quality glass art pieces. The husky's attention was quickly drawn to what it contained, more so than the container itself. There was a black sphere tucked inside, a strange dim glow being emitted from it. She turned her flashlight away and stared in awe at the sphere. It glowed in the dark; a soft bluish fog seeming to ripple and swirl over the surface of the small black globe.

"What on earth..." she spoke to herself, giving the glass cube a little shake. The orb within didn't react; it just remained floating within the cube, glowing just as it had when she first found it.

Then, from one of the corners of the room, just barely audible, there was a soft groan. The sound was easily identified as feminine in nature and very muffled, almost like someone had tape over their mouth. The husky held the glass cube and stood, quickly passing the light about in search of the source of the sound. She could hear her heart beating in her chest once more; someone had done something to her friend! A burglar or someone else most likely come in, found her companion and tied her up, leaving her for dead in the dark and dirty basement.

There came another dull moan and a near silent whimper; the husky's ears perking right up and twisting about. She pinpointed the source and made her way towards it. "Love?! Stay calm, it's alright, I'm right here!" the husky called out, not knowing her voice would not be heard.

The ocelot bit down on the thick gag that held her near silent and gave another held moan into it. She had been laying there for who knows how long, crying silently in her mind for freedom of the thick rubber that held her captive. Her back was still sore from the tumble down the stairs she took earlier in the week. She had thought she could try and find her way upstairs, but misjudged where the stairs were and ended up falling down to the lower level. She now lay in a tightly curled position in some material she found, a pile of blankets, a little comfort to her slowly fading will to fight her predicament. She squirmed once again and arched her back with a low groan. Her body was on fire, she needed release, needed to be taken. The two thick plugs buried in her body shifting slightly, but it was never enough to let her have the pleasure she was being denied. It was even worse as she was in heat; the rubber that held her body preventing her any amount satisfaction other then a slight tingle of pleasure from the rubbing against her g-spot or tightness against her nipples.

She fell silent for a moment, having thought she heard the voice of her lover. She concentrated hard, trying to hear past the rubber plugs in her ears, hearing something once more, but it was very dim, almost not even there. She couldn't decide if it was really some sound, or just her mind tricking her. She so badly wanted to be with her lover, but there was no way now; helpless and stuck in the deepest recess of her own home.

"Hang on!" the husky called out again as she knocked over a few more piles of boxes and finally came upon the curled up figure of her love. She only saw the length of her tail, coated over with something black and semi-reflective in the light. The husky just stared, just seeing the outline of a figure in the dark. Moving the light some, she looked on with disbelief at the image before her. There curled up in a pile of old blankets was a feline creature, obviously female, noted by the swell of breasts on her chest. She was entirely black, coated head to toe with some sort of material. Her arms where held behind her back, and on closer inspection, found them to be coated over smooth to her back. The husky quirked an eyebrow a little; it looked like it was some form of tight latex suit. She only paused a moment before moving over to the figure, setting the glass box aside as she brought her paws to the felines body. The feline jerked at the touch, a muffled growl-whine emanating from her sealed over snout, but then she calmed and let out a pitiful whine.

The ocelot could smell and she instantly recognized the husky scent of her love. All sorts of thoughts ran through her mind. She'd been found! She could barely control her emotions now, tears held back by the covering of latex over her eyes, she could only emit soft whimpers of joy. With a twist and jerk of her torso, she tried to find her love, trying to get into those arms that she knew where there.

The husky did so, wrapping her arms around the bound figure before her. She could just make out the scent of her lover through the thick scent of the latex that held her.

"Oh hun… what have you done to yourself?" the husky spoke, quickly running her paws over her love's body to examine just that. Her wandering paws caused the feline to squirm, especially when she pushed and touched over the smooth covering of her nether region. "Don't tell me you went out shopping at that new toy store... I told you not to go there! The stories I've heard from friends at work are... not all that great." the husky spoke, trying to keep her cool, but at the same time, admiring that sleek look of her bound up lover. She had to admit to herself, the sight of her companion coated fully, apparently with body orifices perfectly sealed and left blind to her own teasing touches, was making her a little aroused.

The ocelot couldn't make out a word of what the husky spoke, but could just feel those soft paws of her lover caress over her helpless form. She whined into the gag softly as the tender regions of her body were rubbed over, grinding her hips a little at the teasing touch. At the back of her mind the thought struck her; what if she found the object? What if her lover did as she had done and messed with the orb in the glass case? She had to warn her, but how? She couldn't speak, couldn't see or even hear. All she had was her sense of smell and a diminished sense of touch. Maybe, if she fought a bit, she'd get her love to take her upstairs, get her away from the object that caused this to her and possibly find a way to free her. With that, she uncurled and pushed against the body holding her close.

"Whoa! Hey there!" The husky spoke as her companion shifted and pushed against her. "Alright, alright... come on. Let's get you upstairs out of this basement." Moving her arms, she hugged around her companion's waist and lifted; the ocelot got the message and moved her paws around, standing up and keeping close to the husky. The husky snagged up the glass cube, perhaps it had something to do with this suit her friend had on, and hurriedly led her friend up the stairs to the mid-basement, then up the final set to the first floor. One more flight of stairs, and they were at the bedroom. The husky found the door partially blocked by an ironing board and a pile of boxes, which she pushed off to the side. She then swung open the door towards her, which she found odd, but considering the age of the house, it was probably common. She then guided her friend to the large bed within the bedroom and helped her lay out on it, setting the glass cube on the night stand next to the bed. Every step of the path the ocelot tried to control herself, those thick probes shifting and pushing about in her body, causing her to grow all that more aroused. But she fought it. She'd be free soon enough and would have her companion there to help.

The scents that the ocelots body were putting off were just enough to get free of that thick rubber shell; a nice spice to her strong pheromones. The husky caught this scent easily as she helped the ocelot lay out on the bed. She tentatively reached forward and rubbed a black pawpad over the encased breast. Seeing no reaction to the slight touch over her nipple she tried again, this time with a little more force, and then eventually grabbing the breast and giving it a firm kneading. This caused a stir, the ocelot arching up into the touch and letting out a thin whine into her snout. The husky grinned at this and took a step back to just enjoy the situation. Her friend was helpless; encased fully in some kind of thick rubber. She could only seem to find noseholes, everything else was covered over with smooth latex. She figured she was blind, deaf, and unable to speak and with quite a bit of her sense of feeling lost due to the coating. It was interesting, unique. Damned sexy.

The husky found her mind wandering as she stared at the ebon figure of her bound love. She couldn't help it, she had a thing for the more fetish side of relationships and longed for more than just a little bondage play; this was most definitely bringing those thoughts to the front of her mind, oddly longing to feel what it was like to be in that position.

She found herself very aroused by just the sight of her friend laying there, a little squirm and flick of her tail as she panted lightly. The rubber coated chest rising and falling quickly with each breath. Her own tail swayed, the husky unable to take her eyes from her friends body; the coating looked to have pulled tight around her, showing off all those curves that normally were hidden mostly by fur. She found herself getting wet, giving a little wiggle of her hips as she stood there along side the bed.

It only took a moment to make up her mind, paws dropping to the front of her jean-shorts and undoing the button and zipper, slipping them down over her long legs. She's perfectly fine, the husky thought as she striped off her spaghetti-strap T-shirt. She knows its me… and I know what she needs. She'll love it... I'm sure. She then slipped off her undies and tossed aside her bra, exposing herself fully. The husky was lean and very pleasant to the eyes. She often jogged for exercise and her body showed it. Not only being naturally tall for her species, those long legs and arms had just the right amount of muscle to them to really give her body the soft toned look. She wasn't super-model material, but she definitely turned a few heads on her jogs through the park.

She cupped her paws over her own mid b-cup breasts and teased herself for a moment; feeling the silver studs set in the black tips of her nipples as they grew stiff; a short memory of getting those done on her 19th birthday coming to mind. She arched her own back slightly and closed her eyes, turning snout to the roof just a little as she pleasured herself, pinching her own pierced flesh between a thumb and paw pad, eliciting a soft gasp from her own black lips. Splaying her own paws over her breasts and giving a firm kneed, she wished it had been her friend doing so, but that thought passed as she knew that wasn't happening due to how her friend was bound.

With a little grin crossing her lips, she hoped up onto the bed and crawled up over the latex-clad figure. She let a low growl roll up her throat as she brought her hands to each of her friend's knees, pushing them apart and back a little so she could slide her own hips in nice and close to her companions. She then leaned down low over the ocelots helpless form and turned her snout into her neck, giving a few firm nibbles at the thick rubber coating her neck. "Such a sexy bound kitty, aren't you?" the husky spoke in a sultry tone, giving her hips a little thrust. Oh how I wish I had some kind of toy or strap-on! The husky thought.

The ocelot squealed into the gag and arched up into the paw that gripped her breast and massaged the sensitive flesh. What is she doing?! She sputtered in her own mind. This is no time for play! I need out! The squeal only came from her as a muffled whine; the thick phallic gag deep in her mouth keeping her sounds near silent. Her chest heaved as she panted, the walk up to the room she had been taken too was not all that kind on her; every step causing those large plugs in her body to shift and squirm about. She wanted to call out to her love, get her to take her, make love to her, but all she could do was emit a thin whine past that gag. She felt her lover move away and bucked her own hips at the plugs. Her body was burning with a lust she could not quench, the latex refused to give in any way. She pulled at her hands as she had done several times in the past weeks, tried wiggling her fingers; anything to pull free, but the thick rubber refused to give at all.

She whined pitifully and gave up, squirming on the bed a little. Soon, she felt the mattress shift some as a figure pushed down over her body, feeling hands come to her knees that eased and spread her legs apart, exposing her smoothly sealed over pussy and ass. A thick musky scent came to her nose then, easily ably to tell it was her lover's own aroused scents. The lithe body of her lover came down close over hers; she could easily feel her paws wandering her coated over sides, breasts pushed to her own then a few sharp nips along her neck followed by a thrusting against her hips. The ocelot squirmed a bit more and bit into the gag as the thrust caused those plugs to push in against her inner most sensitive areas. What was she doing!? the feline thought then cried out in her mind. No, no NO! She did want to be helped, but not before getting out of the encasement of latex. With a little kick she then thrashed about, shaking head side to side and arching up with her back, trying to pull a leg back to push the husky back. She needed out of the rubber now! There'd be time for love later once she was free.

The husky growled lowly once more as she heard her love whimper in pleasure and frustration. She moved her paws down to stroke over her clad belly, letting a black pawpad dip into her bellybutton; the encasement so tight and smooth it appeared to be applied right to her skin, no fur between it and the flesh. A wide grin cracked the husky's lips, moving both paws back up to those smoothly clad breasts but before she could knead into the warm bosom the feline jerked about and struggled. The movement seemed frantic, the feline pulling a leg away and giving a kick, narrowly missing the husky's stomach. Instead it slid past against her leg and caught the husky's footpaw, one of the canines sharp claws scraping along the felines clad ankle and peeling away a tad of the latex. She didn't notice this bit of scratching, too distracted by her companion's sudden outburst; the strip that had been peeled from the ocelots ankle hooked around between the husky's toes and between pawpads. It warmed and developed a bluish-gray haze then melted against the black pawpads and began to spread slowly...

"Shh! Calm down! Alright... shh..." the husky spoke, becoming embarrassed now. It was obvious that her love did not enjoy being trapped in that suit, and she felt bad that she had just went ahead with her desires instead of helping her out. The husky lowered herself over her partner and held her close, letting out a few calming murrs in an attempt to help the ocelot relax while petting over her body. The feline soon stopped her thrashing and settled on the bed, panting hard and whimpering into the gag. The husky felt ashamed of herself, seeing her jaw flex under the coating of rubber, at the same time, an odd tingling around the pawpads of her left foot. She moved her right foot over to scratch between the pawpads with a toeclaw, feeling the tingle fade and dismissing it as an itch. She trailed a paw over her love's chest down to her belly, giving a little rub.

"Alright, there.." she spoke softly while looking over her friends clad body, looking for a seam or zipper, maybe a pull string or overlap of the latex she could pull at to release her partner. She didn't' find any. "Just what have you gotten yourself into?" she asked moving to check around the ocelot's neck, then back, following around to her rump and down her thighs some. Not a single seam or edge, not even the hint of one either; she was encased perfectly without any visible means to escape the tight covering.

"I'm going to go find a pair of scissors or knife. I can't find a zipper to get you out, gonna' have to cut it." the husky spoke before turning down to place a soft kiss to her partner's coated lips. She found the latex a bit tacky, like it hadn't dried fully; she then turned her snout down to give her companion a love nuzzle, rubbing the top of her snout along the bottom of the felines jaw. The latex was indeed sticky, in fact, some of it rubbing off onto the husky's white snout fur. As she pulled back she noticed the black inky smudge on the top of her snout just as the tingling returned to her paw, but this time, on both footpaws. She blinked at the smudge, it seeming to develop a blue glow and it causing the fur it was on to slowly mat down against her snout. She quickly sat up and brushed her paw at the latex on her snout. It didn't come off and in fact, began to spread slowly to the sides and end of her snout.

All at once her mind came to a screeching halt. The messy front lawn, the dirty leaf-covered car, the boxes still piled up and even the sink in the basement running. That was the reason the whole house was as it had been three weeks ago! Her friend had been bound in that suit and couldn't escape! The husky scrambled to her feet beside the bed and yelped, paws going to her snout and trying to peel away the steadily advancing pool of black fluid. It did no good, the latex not peeling away as it matted down the fur of her snout and pushed around the corners of her lips to her lower jaw, coating her snout over quickly. She felt the tingling on her feet erupt and upon looking down, the husky found her foot paws completely enveloped in sleek black, the tingling and glowing edges of the black pouring up her legs; sliding over her ankles then calves, all that soft white fur being matted down under the quickly progressing material. She quickly turned to the little glass cube, it was glowing much brighter than it had been before.

"Oh my god!" the husky shrieked in terror then spun about to face the door. She had to get someone and fast! She now knew she was doomed to end up just like her lover still lying on the bed. As she went to take a step she tripped on something and fell to the ground, letting out a sharp bark as she twisted and landed square on her rear with a loud thump. She looked down at her legs; a thick band of the black latex had spread between her ankles about as thick as her wrist. It was about four inches wide, keeping her ankles tethered to each other and preventing her from walking. "Someonmmfff!" she yowled out, but right in the middle of her word her snout was snapped shut like a rubber band had been tied around her mouth. her paws once again went to her snout and felt over the smooth black covering. It had spilled over her lips and drew them together, now a seamless covering over her own black lips; she couldn't even get her claws to pierce the material as it had become firm. She tried to scream but the sound came out as a long whine; then she felt the material flowing into her mouth. It had a nasty rubbery taste to it with the texture of a thick honey. It was forming some sort of mass and pushing to the back of her throat. She thrashed her head about to try and fight it, but it did no good. The object took a more defined shape; feeling like a thick male canine cock had been stuffed in her snout. She began crying, screaming in her mind as the gag grew thick and silenced everything but a whine or groan.; the knot taking shape and pressing her cheeks out slightly around it.

In the meantime, while her snout was being captured, the latex on the husky's legs had flowed up over her knees, then over thighs and towards her hips. Her attention was drawn to it when that strong tingling washed over her vulva, she squealed into the gag as her wet labia was quickly coated over by a thick later of the black fluid. She could feel that material creeping over her ass, flowing between the cleft and filling it at the same time the tingling moved over her anus to meet the covering that had already spilled over her pussy. Oh gods! She shuddered, arching her back tightly as that tingling caused her to become even more aroused, paws going to between her legs to try and rub at herself. She quickly found that it did no good; the latex having made a thick and firm coating that seemed to stop any sort of sensation beyond a good push or firm grab.

The husky panted heavily and squirmed about, pulling on her legs, ankles still held together by the thick band of latex. With the material now progressing down her neck from her bound snout, and up from her hips, creeping over her belly and down her tail, the husky rolled over onto her knees and pulled herself to the door. Upon getting there she sat up and tried to get at the door knob. Using it as a hook, she pulled herself back up to her feet and turned the knob, finding a bit of resistance as she pushed the door open. From the other side of the door there came a loud crash as the boxes she had moved aside earlier toppled over and spilled into the hall of the upstairs. There was a loud crash and wood sliding against wood as something hit against the door and forced it closed again. Quickly, the husky pushed out against the door, it refused to budge. She twisted the knob and threw her weight against the door as best as she could, it refused to budge. The ironing board had fallen over, unfortunately for the two, in just the right way to wedge itself against the far wall of the hallway and under the knob of the door, keeping it from opening. They were now trapped, and still, the latex on her body continued to flow.

The thick material had now coated up to the husky's breasts, the intense tingling flowing over the curves of her bosom from both the top and bottom at the same time, meeting right over her swollen and pierced black nipples. She twisted her head away and yowled into the gag, uncoated hands going to her breasts to grip at the thick latex covering as it grew firm and tight. Surprisingly, her silver studs remained uncoated, glistening on the outside of the latex cladding at the peaks of her breasts. All that was left exposed now was above her snout and her arms, which were being taken care of. The black liquid flowed down her arms swiftly, coating shoulders, upper arms, elbows. Her eyes grew wide and she quickly dropped to the floor in desperation, getting on all fours and spreading her fingers out over on the ground to keep them from being gloved in the same manner her friends had been. The tingling fluid continued on, covering forearms, wrists then pouring out over her hands and fingers, coating out to the tips and sealing claws away. She felt tension build between her fingers but fought it, she wasn't going to allow it to take her hands from her.

The tension grew stronger until it stopped and faded off. The husky kept her hands on the wood flooring though. The tingling seemed to fade then, leaving her almost fully encased in shiny black. Her body's features were more shown off now, those sleek curves of her body and swell of her chest and rump even more pronounced without the fluff of her fur. She whimpered against the gag and squirmed where she set. The latex allowed her to move easily, but she could feel just a slight amount of resistance. She couldn't feel her fur anymore and the latex coated right down against her skin; so close that even the scar on the right side of her belly from a surgery she had two years was shown in the coating as a little imprint. She knew it wasn't over, it couldn't' be. She'd end up just like her friend, who had remained silent and unmoving all during the few minutes that the latex had coated her own body.

The husky panted lightly and groaned against the gag, then felt the latex banding at her ankles give away and allowing her ankles to spread apart a little. She moved to stand up but was suddenly frozen in place as the tingling erupted around her anus. She arched her back again and whined deeply, clenching the ring of black flesh as she felt something begin to press into her rear. Her slicked tail whipped about as she tried to push the object out, but it continued; a thick probe forcing its way slowly into her pucker and stretching that ring of muscle around it. Oh fuck! She screamed in her mind. She had only used a toy on herself in such a manner twice; but then it was just a small vibrator and she had used quite a bit of lube. This was much larger than that little vibe, and it was slightly painful as it pushed deep into her rear. Squirming and bucking her hips, she fought it till the tingling had stopped; arching her back and even thrusting back against to try and pull away. But of course, it was inside the coating of latex, not outside. She then shuddered as the base swelled just inside her rear, forming a knot just like what had been done in her mouth. Her breath stuttered as she felt that large length push and grind about inside her rear as she twisted her back and hips. Just as that faux ball of latex formed, the tingling started again at her vulva. The husky moaned out and pushed her rear into the air a little as she was penetrated; another thick canine-styled probe being sunk into her burning sex and no way to stop it. She pulled her paw from the ground and drove it to her hips, curling around between her legs to fruitlessly rub over her vulva; fingers digging at the thick covering but no sensation came other then the electric tingling pushing deeper into her body. She couldn't get at herself; no amount of rubbing was able to be felt through the thick covering. She pushed and ground her paw against her clit, feeling barely any sensation from the action. The tingling continued up inside her vagina along with the probe, making her body grow stiff and send shudders of pleasure over her tightly clad body. As with the faux cock in her rear, this one thickened at the base to form a sealing knot just inside. She whimpered into the gag and thrust her hips in effort to pleasure herself. Despite the situation, she needed release; she couldn't bear it any longer! All that squirming and thrusting could only get her to the peak of release, she desperately tried to get over it and into orgasm, but she never could; that coating of latex was keeping her from achieving it.

The husky rolled back over onto her rear and placed her hands on the floor once more, pushing and grinding her rear to the floor in an attempt to get the thick lengths in her body to catch on something and jerk, pull, anything other then just grind to her sensitive inner fleshes. Her rump merely emitted an audible squawk as the slick rubber coating ground against the smooth wood floor. The tingling came again, but this time it was very different. It felt like a little itch then began to spread at a spot on her lower back. She moved her right paw to reach back but then stopped mere inches before her paw would touch. Oh no... I think not! She growled out in her mind, quickly realizing that was how the ocelot's own hands got secured behind her back. She pulled her hand away and pushed it to the floor. The itch grew and grew. She closed her eyes, wincing, arching her back and pushing her chest out as it became stronger and stronger. Soon it was unbearable but she fought it just as she did with her hands. The itch soon was over her entire back and lasted for many minutes before it vanished instantly.

Settling back, she groaned and bit down on the gag some in protest. Just out of the corner of her eyesight she caught something odd looking on her elbow. She moved her left arm up to investigate, finding the latex had peeled some over her elbow, a piece hanging off the coating and exposing her black fur underneath. Her eyes went wide; it was losing to her! She quickly moved her right paw over to grab at it, a mistake. The moment her clad fingers touched the hanging piece, they were fused to it and pulled tight to the elbow. She yelped and pulled at her hand, too late. The palm of her right paw was pulled against her left elbow as the latex sealed to itself; her fingers stayed spread out and anchored in place to her elbow. She tried to wiggle them some, but they were unable to move much other then a slight wiggle, she whined and tried to pull her paw away but got nowhere. The tingling then returned, but this time along her arms; tension grew and her arms were pulled together, her left paw touching right elbow, the palm and fingers sealed to the joint in much the same manner as her right paw did, the latex melding together all along where her arms touched each other. Kicking her legs some and thrashing about, she pulled and twisted her arms, whining deeply as the latex firmed back up to hold them solid together. She lifted her bound arms over her head and twisted them some, then tried puling in opposite directions; they refused to come apart, the latex cladding not even stretching to her insistent pulling. There came a slight tingle at the base of her skull then a very tingly pulse down her spine, causing the husky to arch up and push out her chest a bit. She huffed in defeat and whined into the gag. What have I done!? She cried in her mind, no one to hear her silent screams.

The ocelot stirred on the bed a little. She had felt a hard thump some time ago and idly wondered what it was. She also thought she heard someone scream, but with her ears plugged, it was impossible to tell. She figured she finally got through to her love that she was trapped and needed help and that's where she had ran off to. But of course, without being able to see, hear or even speak, she had no way of knowing her lover was being met with the same fate as herself just a few feet from where she lay. Slowly at first, but then stronger, a warm tingling formed over her eyes. Her attention was drawn right to; it was setting her free! She squirmed anew and pushed at the bed with her feet. Rolling once to the left she got to the edge just as she felt the coating begin to melt off her eyes but nothing else seemed to change. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up, pulling at her arms as the last strings of the material moved off her eyelids.

Blinking a bit, the images before the ocelot were blurry and out of focus. Over those long days she had grown used to the dark and her eyes were dilated beyond normal. She could make out some form before her on the floor, it shifting about oddly; it was mostly black, but she could see white still up higher on its body. She tossed her head slightly and blinked, chewing on the gag that held her silent; nothing else seemed to change. Then there came a strange tingle at the base of her skull; like some far off echo in the back of her mind, she heard the voice of her lover. "What have I done!?" the husky spoke. The sound seemed to echo a little, repeating over a few times then was clear as if she really had heard it.

"Mnffmnff!" she squirmed where she sat on the edge of the bed then arched her back as another tingle arced down her back like a pulse of electricity right in her spine. Get off me dammit! She yowled in her mind, wincing a bit as her eyes slowly came to focus.

"Kitty? Kitty! I... can you hear me?! I thought I heard your voice..." she heard the husky call out again, in her own mind. It was very odd, but it was her!

"Love! Where are you! This stuff has uncovered my eyes, but I still can't see. Please hurry up, I can't be in this any longer!" the ocelot replied, finding it easy to 'talk' though not sure how she was able to use her mind to speak to her canine companion.

"I… I… I'm sorry, kitty..." the husky replied, a heavy tone of sadness in her voice. The tingling around the edges of the latex on the husky's face returned and it began coating upwards, covering over her hair and face. The fluid stayed away from her eyes, but circled around, leaving the bright blue orbs and the white fur around them exposed, much like on the ocelot. She didn't know what to do; it had continued on regardless of what she did, nothing was going to stop it. She laid her ears back as she felt the warm fluid pour into her ears, dulling the sounds of her surroundings and finally coating out to the tips of her black ears. As with the silver studs in her nipples, the silver rings in her ears where left exposed.

"What? No-no… go find some scissors or a knife or something. Please! You have.. I.. you" she called back in desperation, pulling at her hands once again to try and get them free, her reply cut off as her vision adjusted and she was clearly able to see her lover. Her heart instantly sank at the sight of the husky nearly coated over fully just as she was; her fur gone and just a glossy black finish over her entire lithe frame. She could see the black fluid coating the tips of her ears and the glow diminish some, leaving just her eyes exposed. Oddly, the fluid didn't spread out over her hair fully; it coated her head but left her pony tail hanging out.

The husky bowed her head and whined pitifully, pulling at her arms again in a futile attempt to escape. She then turned back up to her ocelot lover, tears wetting her crystal eyes and streaming down the sides of her coated cheeks.

"No-no...please... no..." the ocelot spoke, her voice and body trembling. She quickly got off the bed and moved over to the encased husky, sitting down and moving close to nudge at her with her own bound snout.

The tingling around the edges of the covering on both their eyes picked back up and began flowing to close over their lids. They both held their eyes open as long as possible, just staring into each other's faces. Fear, sadness, not even a hint of hope in both their eyes.

"No!" the ocelot spoke up and shook her head some. It didn't stop the material; she was forced to close her eyes just as the husky was, as the dark fluid approached the corners of their eyes once more.

"We can talk... we'll figure a way out of..." the husky spoke in an attempt to better the mood between them, but oddly, her voice faded off midway through her sentence.

"Love? ... Love?!" the ocelot spoke up as she felt the tingling finally stop, leaving her coated as she was before. She pushed forward a little and felt herself rub against her companion.

The husky whined to herself, unable to hear her feline partner anymore. She felt a push and returned it, then leaned in against the figure that was against her; it was her ocelot. She tried to reach her arms out to hug around her, but couldn't. She twisted about a little then managed to find her lover and raise her arms a little, hooking her arms over her head and down over her shoulders to hug around her chest, not able to get any lower due to how the felines own arms where bound.

They both cried silently for some time where they sat there on the floor of the bedroom. They were locked in, and now blind, deaf and unable to speak. The only thing they could do was writhe against each other and smell each other, but for the most part their individual scents were gone; just that thick rubber musk off the coating on their bodies. Those thick probes in each of their bodies would be a constant reminder of their state; now no longer able to orgasm or touch each other. The latex was doing something to keep them from ever getting over their peak no matter how much they tried to help each other. The husky soon learned what the ocelot did; the encasement was sustaining them, keeping them alive without need for food or water. Occasionally, they'd discover they could talk to each other, but this seemed very rare and only lasted a few minutes. It was enough, though, to keep them sane. They were unable to see or tell the time of when this happened, so they figured it was random but in fact based on a very specific time. It was once a week, right when the husky lost her eyesight by the cover and became, along with her lover, a prisoner of the orb.

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